What Symbolizes Star Sapphire?

Star sapphire is a unique and captivating variety of sapphire that displays a phenomenon known as asterism. This phenomenon creates a star-like pattern on the surface of the gemstone when exposed to light. The symbolic meanings associated with star sapphire include:

  1. Protection: Throughout history, star sapphire has been regarded as a protective gemstone. The star-like pattern is often seen as a symbol of guidance and protection, providing a sense of security to the wearer.

  2. Divine Guidance: The star pattern in the sapphire is sometimes associated with celestial or divine guidance. It can symbolize a connection to higher forces or spiritual energies, offering direction and wisdom.

  3. Wisdom and Intuition: The star sapphire is believed to enhance wisdom and intuition. It is thought to stimulate the third eye chakra, promoting clarity of thought, insight, and intuitive abilities.

  4. Fulfillment of Desires: In some cultures, star sapphire is considered a talisman for fulfilling wishes and desires. It is believed to bring success and good fortune to those who wear it.

  5. Balance and Harmony: The six-rayed star pattern on the surface of the sapphire is often associated with balance and harmony. It can symbolize the alignment of different aspects of life and the pursuit of equilibrium.

Cabochon cut

Weight : 3.77 carats

Color : Blue

Dimensions : 7.98 x 7.91 x 5.80